Donation helpandU

HELPandU Sites
Donation helpandU
Tales by Light
Cindy McCain




HelpandU and its future

A Connection is needed

HelpandU needs assessment

Google - A positive Influence

Two ways that help

HelpandU website and/or Help Television

The World Food Program

Funding for HelpandU


I have seen the emaciated face of a young girl with hopelessness and despair in her eyes, as the flies landed on her face. I have seen the homeless with their belongings piled up beside them. I have seen blood dripping from a neck because a girl just injected herself to get high. I know that once the paramedics made her conscious again, she needed to be treated for addiction. I have seen missing fingers and disfigured noses. I have seen what mosquito borne illnesses like Dengue fever and Malaria have done.  I have seen the damage that water borne illnesses like Cholera and Typhoid can cause. I have seen a person arguing and swinging at a person that was not there. I have seen U trying to get the organ; that will save ur life. I have seen how broken up U are because a loved one is missing.


What Ourearth needs is an organization like andUandU that people(andus) know that they can turn to when they need help for a variety of reasons. An organization that is known and trusted throughout the world. An organization that really cares for those in need and will do its best to look after them.

In the future when andUandU is more accepted and established we will have andUandU help facilities that have met or surpassed international standards of care. They have been set up by experts in the various fields. They can be trusted to look after ur best interests. We will work with others trying to bring all help centers around the world up to a certain standard. Existing help centers could have a “U” on their signs or somewhere where it is easily seen to show that they are now up to our standard. Perhaps they could have it by their logo or on their webpage if they have one. It should be a goal internationally since we are equal that everybody is entitled to a certain standard of care. We need to support and care for our brothers and sisters around the globe.

These andUandU… help centers will be listed with the regular help centers too. Examples of help centers are food banks, centers for addiction, medical clinics and shelters for the homeless. andUandU will have organizations that have websites that are helping people(andus). Some examples could be: CodeandU, OrgansandU, MissingandU and MentalillnessandU. There should even be a place for terrorists called TerroristandU. It would be a place where terrorists or potential terrorists turn to or are directed to where they are taught/helped to end the cycle of violence; that possibly endangers their life and many other lives. (See TerroristandU section) andUandU wants to help all people. These five examples would be Sections of the andUandU HelpandU Sector. On the internet in the sector go to the Sections tab and search for them there.

HelpandU and its Future

HelpandU will become a prosperous reality because I believe andUandU will encourage and inspire U to do more to stop the pain and suffering of disadvantaged people(andus). We know that all it takes is the will to help and those that need help will be looked after. More and more people will believe in andUandU...  and what we stand for so U or ur loved ones will get more of what U need, whether U suffer from mental or physical problems.


andUandU will get the message out that U should love and care for ur neighbour. Ourearth's people should look at each other like family; we are all Brothers and Sisters. We hope to inspire a multitude of caring people, groups, organizations and governments to do more.

Once we get the proper funding and get the infrastructure in place, a large database will be created that identifies the specific problems for given geographical areas. We will see what support systems are in place, fund them if needed and create more support systems if needed.  The database will catalogue the resources needed to resolve our problems. Resources such as medicine, professionals, volunteers that are unique to each help centre which deal with ur specific problem, will be made accessible to U. We believe that more of U will get help because through andUandU more people will be inspired to do more.

Assets need to be mobilized in the most efficient ways because there are so many people that really need help and we can't afford to waste any of the resources provided. Support systems will be set up or an existing system will be improved, that will best allocate ur donations, so they match what is needed for each individual help center. One way of doing this is a help center could provide digital lists on the internet of what they need; once they have a donor confirmed for that individual need, they remove it from the list. This way U are not getting too much of one thing and donors can provide help elsewhere.

One thing we want to achieve is to provide our future services in the most efficient and cost-effective way that meet or exceed International Standards for the help provided. Once we have achieved this we need to share our expertise with any group or organization that is trying to provide the same service. That service should be provided equally no matter what country or region U are in. This of course can only occur if the resources are available to provide that same level of service.


Most help centers today could use extra help, whether it is financial or possibly they need more volunteer help. These places are staffed by people, who care, but many are over worked and some are under paid. In the HelpandU will try to compensate the helpers who are in need of financial support. How can U help other people if ur basic necessities aren't being met? An individual's help could really be worth the minor expense.

Our Goal is to provide help to all humanity and do it in fair and just way where all people are provided with at minimum the basics: clean water, sanitation, clothing, food, shelter, and medicine. Our efforts need to be co-ordinated with governments at various levels. In order to ensure that our aid goes to the people of need we must allocate our aid directly to the people. The more we are accepted as an organization that causes good things to happen the easier it will be to achieve our goals.

When we are operational we must ensure that the goods and services we provide are not squandered by governments or special interests groups who profit at the expense of the people. No humanitarian aid should be given to governments unless it is certain that they are making an honest effort to look after their own people. Efforts to help people should be coordinated with the governments wherever possible. If the leaders of the countries have an issue with us supplying aid, then it is probably obvious to those who are the givers that the leaders want to further their own ends.

Once we are involved, we need to ensure that time is not wasted because disadvantaged people deserve prompt and efficient service. Our help needs to be there when it is required to prevent suffering and death. In many cases it is apparent that help is needed when large scale natural disasters take place such as hurricanes, drought and earthquakes occur.

In the future HelpandU will have the infrastructure in place to help manage these types of disasters. Eventually we want to be the organization people turn to for help. Governments, corporate and private donors should be included in a database where we are all working together to resolve any problem that might plaque Ourearth's people or its other inhabitants. That database would have inventories of items that could be utilized in times of need no matter what help is needed. We want individuals, corporations and organizations to have a more hands on approach to helping others.

Once an area is identified as needing help; that area could be adopted. A person, corporation or organization could make a goal to give that area what it needs. They could really get to know the people of that area, learning firsthand the positive influence they have made. The good that has been achieved should be advertised so others would want to do well and adopt other areas.

A Connection is needed

Help is needed around our earth. People suffer for various reasons including droughts, earthquakes and floods. Millions of dollars are spent to supply food and materials to help stabilize the situations of people in need. We hear about their plight but so many of us find ourselves removed from these situations. There does not seem to be a connection between the people suffering hardships and the everyday person. The people that can donate money to people need to feel connected to whatever crisis that is taking place. For the most part many feel that crisis situations will be looked after; some organization or somebody else will make things better. Most of us have no idea who is making things right or how much money and resources are needed.

No matter where the help is needed, no matter what the crisis, we all should know who the people are that need help, what the problem is, where the problem is, why we should help  and how we are going to make things better. If potential donors knew this they would give more. That information should be assessable 24/7 as the situations change regardless of where the need is, we should be updated as soon as possible. That information should be sourced out to organization like HelpandU. Help that is given and where it is needed should be accessible on a Global Map. Updates should be constantly coming in and we should not have to depend on whether our national news covers the story of natural disaster or whatever the crisis or need may be.

Too often we forget about a disaster and much needed aid dies off. Haiti is a perfect example. Updates could come in chronologically, or by area in one world update page. Ur computer screen could have the world at a glance with links on one screen. U would always know what is needed and who is giving the aid. There should be one organization where world-wide needs are constantly being displayed and that organization could co-ordinate with care givers to make sure needs are being met. That organization should be HelpandU.

Through HelpandU our earth would be covered: there would be a face to every disaster and that face would not be forgotten because we would not allow it to be forgotten until there was a smile on that face. Even then I guess U would probably see that face again because we would want to remind U of the good that could be achieved if we loved each other like Brothers and Sisters.

HelpandU Needs Assessment

There should be a needs assessment done for the various types of help needed. We must listen to those who are dealing with the grass roots of all situations. We must show empathy to whoever we deal with. Needs assessments should be standardized worldwide and ways figured out to do these assessments quick and where costs are at a minimum still ensuring they are done right. These needs assessment of course would happen prior to the creating the large database as mentioned in HelpandU and its Future.

Once the situations are assessed and dollar amounts and resources requirements are established, then a bench mark should be set. The donators of aid will have an idea when their obligations will end, knowing approximately how long it will take and how much it will cost to ensure the well being of those in need.

Our earth needs to be assessed in its entirety. We need to be there for everyone that is in need of help. Once more people learn to love and care for each other, there will be more resources to help the needy. We are all part of Ourearth community and we should want what is best for each other. The assessments have to be ongoing so that we can adapt our ways to best look after those that need our help.

If assessment funds were available and assessments were completed, timely assessments could reduce drastically the number of people having to stay in certain refugee camps. They could be helped before they have to leave. Too many people have left their homes, their land and have become totally dependent on international aid.  Once they have left their homes many have lost title of their lands and they can only hope that they are resettled in other countries.

Where ever possible people should be sheltered in place and helped to provide for themselves. Refugee camps are a place of last resort and we must try to turn the tide on this ever growing problem of homelessness and despair.

Unfortunately there are many refugees that have no choice but to leave their homes due to war or civil unrest. In order to help prevent further mass exoduses as soon we hear about or witness signs of a potential destabilizing event, like a war; we need to get involved and use whatever peaceful means at our disposal to negotiate peaceful solutions. That could even mean threatening to cut off financial support to governments or regions unless they try to negotiate fairly with the disagreeing party. We need to try to prevent what is causing our refugee shelters to burst at the seams.

Samantha Nutt founder and executive director of War Child Canada believes that we need to mobilize public attention and get governments to take notice and to be smart about early warning systems. Know what kind of intervention is needed.

Assessments should be done to address the social issues of each community; we must get to the root of the problem. We must figure out what will make each community work.

If there is a neighborhood drug abuse problem, perhaps the neighborhood children might have to be educated at a very early age the evils of illegal drug use.

Google- A Positive Influence

Google is a trendsetter when it comes to taking on leadership roles, trying to make our lives easier and healthier.

A story on the Canadian Broadcasting Network (CBC) called a Huge Weight by James Roumeliotis on October 25, 2016 was about Autism. Google is helping to find out what causes autism, hoping to unlock the mystery of Autism Google is spending $50,000,000 to finance Matt Pletchers Autism Speaks the advocacy group for autism.

The research they are doing is the largest of its kind in the world. Google is funding the DNA mapping of 10,000 families affected by autism hoping to find an answer. . Gene mapping allows the researchers at SICK KIDS (Toronto, Canada) to read everyone of the six billion letters that comprise an individual's code, so they can spot mutations Google is storing information in a research platform in Google Cloud. Researchers around the world will analyse the data trying to be able to diagnose autism sooner, even before birth and there will be treatment tailored to the specific type of autism.

CBC Network - Ken Brunhuber - September 13, 2017

Google plans on eliminating the Zika Virus carrying mosquito the Aedes aegytpic that also carries dengue, yellow fever and other diseases. The Zika virus is a disease associated with microcephaly in infants.

 Around Fresno, California a truck sprays millions of bacteria infected male mosquitoes trying to hold the advance of the Zika virus. These mosquitoes interrupt the female reproductive cycle that causes the offspring to die.

Google Classroom- Is a learning management system developed by Google for schools that aims to simplify creating, distribution and grading assignments in a paperless world.

Google Classroom came out in August 12, 2014.

Two Ways That Help

One way we can help people combat poverty is with contraceptives. I read a March 12, 2017 article in the Toronto Star that support the key role contraceptives can have in reducing poverty. The article was concerning Melinda Gates and her efforts to support family planning and the use of any contraceptive that gives a woman control over her reproductive fate. .

A study in Bangladesh in the 70's showed that villages “that had access to contraceptives were healthier at the end of the study, the families were wealthier, but the family overall-and the kids were much better educated. And so it's like this gold-standard proof that U can have that contraceptives make a difference.” In 2012 Melinda embarked on a campaign to provide 120 million women with access to contraceptives.”

Another well-known person that has been trying to help people for years is former United States President Jimmy Carter. He has been supporting and volunteering with Habitat for Humanity for decades. Habitat for Humanity is the international home-building charity. In July of 2017 Jimmy Carter at 92 was helping to build stairs in Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada when he began to feel weak after two hours in the sun. Jimmy received medical aid and was fine. In an interview with the Canadian Press Jimmy Carter said:” The Canadian governments should consider emulating the non-profit group he has promoted for years as a way to alleviate an affordable housing crunch in this country.” He pointed out that other countries like Peru have adopted similar models to help build more affordable housing units and reduce reliance on the social safety net.


 HelpandU Website and/or Help Television

As mentioned above we would have a HelpandU website, but we could also have HelpandU television called Help T.V with continuous world coverage of the important ways people or other creatures are being helped. HelpandU television broadcasts could be funded by government funded and publicly funded television stations, catering to a variety of different languages. We will show just how U are making a difference. We will have an abundance of good news testimonials from people who are being helped and testimonials from those who have provided their help. U will see how ur help affected others in a positive way. We want to be inclusive to all walks of life when showing how U helped others. Actors, singers, the police, and corporations are examples of help that will inspire others to want to do the same or more. Helping others makes anyone feel good unless there is too few lending a helping hand. We want to engrain a love for humanity in people's minds. Then we will not have a shortage of help.

If we did not have a full channel for Help T.V. we could have a certain amount of hours per week on television networks. Our T.V. programming could have a lot of the information that the website carries.

Billionaires, millionaires and everyday people's achievements when it comes to helping others should be shared with others to inspire people to do more. We should know where our money is being spent and why. There is so much money around Ourearth if the needs were identified and donors knew what good was coming from their money there would be far less needy people. More people would be seeing the faces of those they helped.

There would be a market for such programming because people like to know what is going on in the world. They would like to see the work that is being done to help people and see the success stories. People would also see where needs are great and they would be more willing to help if they had full knowledge of the: who, what, where, why and how of any situation.

No matter who needs help, estimates of what is needed have to be given and goals set. Potential donors want to know when their help is no longer required. Most people are goal oriented and they will help to achieve those goals. It is important to be constantly informed about how close U are to achieving ur goal in percentages.

The World Food Program

The World Food Program should be able to reach their Zero Hunger Goal for 2030.

Source: United Nations World Food Program (

Every day too many men and women across the globe struggle to feed their children a nutritious meal. In a world where we produce enough food to feed everyone, 815 million people - one in nine - still go to bed on an empty stomach each night. Even more - one in three - suffer from some form of malnutrition.

Eradicating hunger and malnutrition is one of the great challenges of our time. Not only do the consequences of not enough - or the wrong - food cause suffering and poor health, they also slow progress in many other areas of development like education and employment.

In 2015 the global community adopted the 17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development to improve people's lives by 2030. Goal 2 - Zero Hunger - pledges to end hunger, achieve food security, improve nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture, is the priority of the World Food Programme.

Every day, WFP and its partners work to bring us closer to a zero hunger world. With our humanitarian food assistance, we provide nutritious food to those in urgent need. Meanwhile our complementary programmes address the root causes of hunger, building the resilience of communities, so we don't need to keep saving the same lives each year.

The world has made great progress in reducing hunger: There are 216 million fewer hungry people than in 1990-92, despite a 1.9 billion increase in the world's population. But there is still a long way to go, and no one organization can achieve Zero Hunger if it works alone. If we want to see a world free of hunger by 2030, governments, citizens, civil society organizations and the private sector must collaborate to invest, innovate and create lasting solutions.                                      

Funding for HelpandU

Our financing will be arranged by the philanthropist(s) who will be chosen after they contact us via the GET INVOLVED button.

Things the philanthropist(s) should consider.

We could get funding from anyone or any organization that cares about our earth and its people(andus). We would go to government at all levels(Governments should support us because some of the help we would provide they can’t afford), corporations,  foundations, and individuals which include the top 10 billionaires (see, and have fundraising events. We will start a charity. We could sell merchandise.

Our money can help build an organization that can be trusted to serve the people, fostering contentment amongst our earth’s inhabitants.


Most websites can be adopted and operated as the premiere organizations for each discipline. There will be major changes made to each one. (See Get Involved)

[HELPandU Sections]